The housing market is to remain open during the second lockdown in England.
Uncertainty over whether estate and letting agencies will be classified as essential services under Thursday’s lockdown rules, has been clarified.
In a statement to the industry, the Government says: “Buying, selling and renting a home can continue, in a COVID-secure way, as it has in recent months. Estate and letting agents can operate, show homes and sales suites can remain open and property viewings, mortgage valuations and surveys can take place.”
Subject to approval, the regulations specifically state that activities relating to the sector are allowed to continue under exceptions to leaving home to undertake any of the following activities in connection with the purchase, sale, letting or rental of a residential property:
- visiting estate or letting agents, developer sales offices or show homes;
- viewing residential properties to look for a property to buy or to rent;
- preparing a residential property to move in;
moving house; - visiting a residential property to undertake any activities required for the rental or
- sale of that property.
V&H Homes have been operating under the Covid-19 Secure Guidelines since May and will continue to prioritise the saftey of our clients and staff whilst we remain fully operational.
We cover property sales and property lettings in Ashtead, Leatherhead, Fetcham, Epsom, Bookham and the surrounding areas.
If you are looking to sell, let, buy or rent a property, or if you are just looking for some advice, please call us on 01372 221 678.