Work from home zones and more...see what home buyers and renters are really after
More than a quarter of UK homeowners and renters have claimed that their property priorities have changed since the COVID-19 outbreak.
Previously highly-sought after and high-value property features have dropped down the priority list for home buyers and tenants, as they now seek different factors when looking for a property that meets their needs and lifestyles.
Easy commutes to work, proximity to local shops and restaurants, and local public transport links are no longer as desirable as they once were.
Instead, we have noticed a significant increase in those searching for more space, whereby those searching are willing to compromise on location or local amenities in return for larger bedrooms and a 'work from home' zone.
Having access to a private garden or nearby green space has also become one of the top preferences for homebuyers and renters, especially in light of reduced travel options this summer.
If you need more space, call V&H Homes on 01372 221 678 to see how we can help.